You did it!
Thanks to your overwhelming support we can celebrate the opening of our new Cambridge Memorial Hospital (CMH) patient care wing.
With this momentous occasion a new chapter in community healthcare is here. And our story is just beginning.
Accreditation Canada recently awarded CMH a designation of “Exemplary Standing” representing CMH’s professionalism, dedication and focus on person-centred care. Our newly formed Cambridge and North Dumfries Ontario Health Team comprised of thirty-two healthcare partners, will work together to continue to provide seamless health services.
We have so much to be proud of, including a community that believes in the importance of healthcare.
As you may know, hospital equipment is 100% funded by donations from community members. The new wing is here and we need your help to purchase life-saving equipment. I invite you to continue your support of CMH with a meaningful gift today.
Our new wing urgently needs essential equipment including — wheelchairs, beds, vital signs monitors and much more, to transform it from a beautiful building, into a state-of-the-art centre of care. Once fully equipped, our new wing will require $5 million each year to replace and upgrade equipment and technology.
I believe our community is up for the challenge. Just this year, you made incredible things happen at CMH.
Even before the doors of our new wing opened, we were advancing care by performing CMH’s first “low complex” spinal surgery in over ten years. These day surgeries are a step towards introducing more enhanced services to our Region and will help alleviate lengthy wait-times.
Community support also made it possible to perform ground-breaking microsurgical breast reconstruction. Our team relied on surgical microscopes to perform a bilateral immediate breast reconstruction. Surgeons rebuilt both breasts using tissue from the patient’s own body. This was a CMH first!
Not only did you place high-tech microsurgery tools in the hands of world class CMH surgeons, you also put advanced imaging equipment to use.
Our new Siemens Symbia Evo is a dual-head camera in our Nuclear Medicine Department that provides patients with faster, more detailed tests than ever before. Like all of our equipment, this cutting-edge technology was funded entirely through generous donations. Thank you.
The support you give today will help grow vital programs into the future. Through a planned expansion of our Endoscopy Program, our goal is to complete over 5,000 procedures annually. Your caring offers less-invasive options to more people.
You’ll also support advances in our Urodynamics Clinic. We’re proud to share that our first female urologist recently opened her practice at CMH. In her new clinic, patients will receive diagnosis and care for a wide range of issues, improving their quality of life.
I encourage you to read more about how your generosity contributes to CMH achievements in the enclosed Impact Report from Lisa Short, Executive Director of our Foundation.
From daily acts of caring, to historic redevelopment, to breakthroughs in treatments, your ongoing commitment will ensure we can continue to provide high-quality care to our community for generations to come.
As I sat down to write to you this morning, I overheard a conversation outside my office door that reminded me that caring is still at the heart of everything we do. A patient was asking where he needed to go for a procedure. Right away, a staff member answered, “Come with me. I’ll take you there.” This simple response made me smile and feel very proud.
I hope you too, are proud of everything you have made possible at CMH. Thank you for everything that you have done to make our new patient care wing a reality.
With gratitude,
Patrick Gaskin
President and CEO
P.S. You’ve built an incredible facility! Please continue to invest in the health of family and friends, through your contribution to Cambridge Memorial Hospital today.