Community Donations COVID-19

Thank you for thinking of Cambridge Memorial Hospital and for considering creative ways to help us. We will be hosting staff appreciation and wellness days every couple of months. Financial donations remain the best way to help us treat our staff by providing them with vouchers for coffee, treats, or lunch. Approximately $2500 allows us to treat every CMH staff with a coffee. We also accept in-kind donations of wrapped, safely prepared, non-perishable items.


  1. Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation is committed to finding ways to #feedthefrontline both physically and mentally. At this time we are collecting cash donations for this purpose. Please add #feedthefrontline to the comment section when making your donation.

  2. All in-kind donations will be considered on a case-by-case basis. We have 1300+ staff, our goal is to find ways to acknowledge and support the entire CMH team. This means that products and individually wrapped food items would be shared at our staff screening location at various times. Please fill out the form below if you have questions and ideas or give us a call at 519-740-4966 to discuss further.

  3. The sewing mask challenge! Click here for more information. To help keep our community healthy and safe, Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation is issuing a challenge to all sewers to collectively make masks for CMH. Contact: Carol Thorman, Community Volunteer, Head Mask Maker:  [email protected] or join the Facebook Group click here.


If you would like to make a financial donation to CMHF click here. If your donation is specific to our initiatives to support frontline workers both physically and/or mentally, please add #feedthefrontline to the comment section when making your donation.


Community donation drop offs will now take place at the Cambridge Memorial Hospital D Wing doors between 9:00am-3:00pm, Monday-Friday.

Once you arrive, stay in your car and give the Foundation a call at 519-740-4966 and we will come and meet you.

Please put the items in an open box/bag, labeled with your contact information and stating the contents of the box.

People who are in quarantine due to exposure are asked NOT to drop off anything.

Please note based off your form you may be contacted to arrange a drop off at an alternative CMH entrance.

If you have any other ideas or ways you would like to support CMH please submit the below form and a CMH Foundation Staff member will be in touch with you.


To see some of the amazing ways our community is support CMH click here.

If you have a unique idea to help raise funds for CMH please reach out through the below form.

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