On Friday, January 10th, 2020 we hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony here at Cambridge Memorial Hospital in preparation for the grand opening later in January.
Amongst all the dignitaries, board members and business leaders from our community, we asked 7-year-old Ahmed Aamir to join us and represent the Foundation and our donors to help cut the ribbon.
The story is a simple one when Ahmed was 4, he swallowed a piece of lego. Which lead to a visit to our Emergency Department and the process of getting x-rays before being cleared to go home. His experience here left an impression on him.
Ahmed represents the spirit of philanthropy and the spirit in all of us. He comes from a family of 5 children being raised by their parents to understand the importance of giving back. For 4 years these children have come in to see us at the Foundation to give us a portion of their allowance saved from the previous year. All because their sibling Ahmed, remembered how he felt when he got the care he needed.
To paraphrase the words of Patrick Gaskin during celebrations earlier in January, this is a building and while important, its luster will eventually fade and be replaced. What is not replaceable is the people that surround this hospital. Be it the staff that cared for Ahmed, our volunteers, or donors, ..together…we all create the soul of this building. We are all committed to making CMH the very best it can be.